Invest into your future.


Invest into your future. 〰️

Opportunity for Investors


Opportunity for Investors 〰️

We are always accepting new investors, currently we are looking to acquire a few Airbnbs’ This is a perk for our investors as it makes available accommodations for you at a discounted rate. Most banks only pay a .01-.02% interest on your money. That’s basically nothing. At Flipped out properties, we share the wealth and pay you 15% APR for investing with us.

Investment Structure

Investments must be a minimum of $3,000 and there is no maximum length of investment. A four month minimum (90 days) initial holding shall apply. We would like you to invest from 6 months to 12 months but we don’t require it. Payouts are distributed quarterly.

Below is a link to an interest calculator. Make sure to click on the full site version and enter 4 times annually at 15%.

To figure your personalized profit amount use Moneychimp Calculator

A Sample Contract is below